Website Manager

2021 District Admin Message


Welcome to Virginia District 4, your host along with Vienna Little League for the 2021 Virginia State Little League Baseball Tournament. After the past year we all have experienced and with the cancellation of last year’s games. We are excited not only to be back on the ball fields, but to be hosting this year’s State Tournament.

During your visit we hope you will take some time to enjoy the many sights and sounds of Northern Virginia, and the Washington D.C. area.  It has something to offer everyone: historical sites, entertainment, and superb dining. If you do wish to visit downtown Washington, we suggest you take the Metro Rail.

Again, congratulations and to all the District Champions, their families and fields. Additionally welcome to all the baseball enthusiast and Little League friends.  My staff and I look forward to your visit.

For all District Champions, I need you to review the 2021 Virginia State Tournament Packet and the 2021 Tournament Rules. This includes your roster and any T-Shirt Pre-Ordering. 

We appreciate all the volunteers that it takes to make a tournament the size and importance as this one go smoothly and efficiently.  We also can use more volunteers.  If you interested in participating please see the
Volunteer List. For more information email Matt Pickford


Ellen Witherow

District 4 Administrator
[email protected]